Learning From Home (CBE) - Information

Below is the information for Grade 1. 

For the full explanation, see Alberta.ca link - https://www.alberta.ca/release.cfm?xID=69874B5C32DE7-C7B9-FAFF-518A0FF91DCFD41D#toc-0

Continuity of student learning and content delivery

For all kindergarten to Grade 12 students, school authorities will offer at-home learning opportunities, either through online means or through other accommodations, such as course packages and telephone check-ins. Government expects that every student, regardless of their geographic location or socioeconomic status, will continue to learn while in-school classes across the province are cancelled. This includes students in public, separate, Francophone, charter and independent schools, and Indigenous students attending provincial schools.
To identify what content needs to be delivered, teachers will evaluate curricular outcomes that have not yet been covered, prioritize remaining outcomes based on what is manageable for students working from home, and will plan specific tasks and projects for students.
Content delivery for each grade is broken down as follows:

Kindergarten – Grade 3

  • Education content will focus on language/literacy and mathematics/numeracy outcomes of the provincial curriculum.
  • Teachers will assign an average of five hours of work per student per week, and will be expected to work with their students and parents on the delivery of these materials.

Grade progression and report cards

Every student will receive final grades and will receive a report card, appropriate to their grade level. Teachers will be responsible for assessing a student’s progress and assigning a final grade. School authorities have committed to ensuring parents are consulted and kept informed of how assessment will be determined in this unique circumstance. All students who were on track to progress to the next grade will.
Where possible, schools will work with high school students to complete their courses to the best of their ability, providing a final mark and awarding credits. If a student is unable to complete a course that would have allowed them to progress to the next grade, principals have the ability to award credits to ensure student progression.

Resources for parents

Parents may want to supplement student learning by providing their children with additional resources. The following provincial resources are available to parents:
  • LearnAlberta.ca: more than 4,000 digital resources aligned with Alberta’s K-12 curriculum.
Additionally, many Alberta school authorities have a variety of resources available to support parents and students in learning at home. The following list provides a sample of what is available:
Funding continues to flow to school authorities for the remainder of the 2019/20 school year. This will help school authorities deliver at-home learning to their students.
“The Alberta School Boards Association appreciates that government has given us the opportunity to provide input on the continuing student learning plan. In this unprecedented time, school boards appreciate the flexibility and clarity as they make decisions that put students first and meet the diverse needs of their communities.”
Lorrie Jess, president, Alberta School Boards Association

Here is the link from CBE- 

Ongoing Learning for CBE Students | What You Can Expect the Week of March 30, 2020

Mar. 27, 2020
​Dear Parents and Students, 
Thank you for your patience as we work out the details and determine what ongoing learning will look like for CBE students following Spring Break. These have been unprecedented times for everyone. We recognize that uncertainty is challenging for many of us, and that children, in particular, need routine and predictability to feel safe and to thrive. 
The Ministry of Education has been clear with its expectations about where we must focus our efforts in the coming weeks. They have shared guidelines to direct student learning while in-school classes are cancelled. 
In the coming weeks, learning will look very different for all our students. We recognize that learning at home presents many challenges for our families. We do not expect parents to deliver the same learning that students receive at school, but to do whatever they can to encourage and support learning for their children while classes are cancelled. 
Beginning next week, you will hear from your school’s principal and your child’s teacher with information about their plan for your child’s ongoing learning. Families whose children attend a school following the CBE’s modified calendar can expect to hear from their school when classes resume on April 6. 
 Your child’s teacher will connect with you to discuss your child’s access to technology at home, including access to a computer and the internet. Your school is also making a plan to address the needs of students without these resources and to determine how to support students with paper packages or technology loans. 
Your child’s teacher will let you know how they will provide course materials and the best way to reach them if you or your child has questions. Brightspace by D2L will be the primary platform students in Grades 10 – 12 will use to access learning. Students in kindergarten through Grade 9 will access learning through a variety of platforms. Your child’s teacher will confirm the platform that they have chosen next week.
Your child’s teacher will also provide you with more information about what you can expect from them in terms of assignments, how to submit any work, and resources and supports you and your child can use to support their learning at home. They’ll also ask you how you and your family are doing and encourage you to connect with wellness supports and resources available within and beyond the CBE. 
For the most part, we expect that students in kindergarten to Grade 9 will be engaging with their teacher(s) regarding next steps in their learning by the middle of next week. 
Students in Grades 10 –12 will also be able to access core course work by the middle of next week. We are continuing to plan for how high school students might access non-core courses (such as CTS courses) in this environment and will provide updates as they are available. 
Each CBE school is unique, and we want to recognize the relationships that our schools have developed with their families. Each school may do things slightly differently, and that’s okay. Every learner is different, and we will work together to support your child’s learning. 
Thank you, 
Christopher Usih 
Chief Superintendent of Schools


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